Get Pissed.

Downing Street - memos and brits oh my!

"C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action." - excerpt from the "not as infamous as it should be" Downing Street Memo
I thought Downing Street was where Sherlock Holmes lived. Apparently I was wrong.
Now, exactly what is the Downing Street Memo you might ask? (Hey, not everyone listens to NPR.) The memo contains the minutes of the Prime Ministers Meeting from July 23, 2002. And it basically says that intelligence information was built around President Bush's firm decision to attack Iraq. Basically it throws out Bush's claim that war in Iraq was a "last resort". It also implies that much of the so-called "intelligence" used to justify the war was slanted or skewed to support Bush's war mongering.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm glad Saddam's gone. The guy was a class A son of a bitch. Here's my problem: I'm sick of being lied to. Cheney claimed that Iraq was linked to 9/11, Bush claimed Saddam had WMD's (I'm so sick of that acronym) and they both claimed that Iraq was producing and supporting terrorists. Well, gee, I thought that the overwhelming majority of the suicide flyers into buildings were from Saudi Arabia... and we've done what about the Saudi's involvement?
And here's my other issue. Bush and his cronies are constantly whining about the liberal media etc... and yet the Downing Street Memo has gotten incredibly little press in the U.S. Sure, a semen-stained dress and the press can't get enough of it. A memo that basically proves (not that we weren't already aware) that our President is a scumbag and liar goes virtually unnoticed. Yeah, that makes sense. Clinton's indiscretions wasted how much money? His extramarital affair got how many people killed? Did Clinton's indiscretion turn the rest of the world against us? I think not.
I've got to admit that I'm just floored. Do people just not care anymore? Are we so convinced that all politicians are corrupt that we don't even bother anymore? Am I the only who thinks it's about time for a little restructuring? People, the longer we take it and the less we say the more it happens. We should be in the streets rioting, but instead most people are buying SUV's and people like me are afraid to open our mouths. I'm sick of hearing that I'm unpatriotic because I'm not willing to give Emperor Bush free rein. Screw you. I'm the true patriot. A true patriot questions everything their government does. If we don't keep them in line, who will?
Does anyone really think that the war in Iraq has helped stop, slow down or even tickle terrorism? No, we've just pissed them off more. The war in Iraq is going so well that every week dozens more bodies hit the sandy soil.
Here's an idea: QUIT BUYING SUV'S YOU GIANT FLAMING PRICK MONKEY MOTHERFUCKER YUPPIE SCUM. Want to stop or at least slow down terrorism? Be more fuel efficient. WHERE DO YOU THINK THEY'RE GETTING THE MONEY YOU SCHMUCKS?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Okay, I feel better, I need to cut back on the caffeine (she says as she lifts her jumbo size coffee).
My basic point is that it's ridiculous that this has gotten almost no press in the States. Are people so blind in their loyalty to Bush that they can't see facts? I guess not considering no one got pissed about Cheney's old company Halliburton making a fat profit from the war. How many young men and women have to die before we hold our president accountable for his lies? How many? A few thousand more? Maybe another 10,000 civilians?
The world changed after 9/11. I realize the truth of that statement. I realize that when people are afraid they'll do just about anything to feel safe. Including giving a Jesus Freak Lying Rich White Oil Man absolution for all his crimes. But no matter what people think, Bush is not making us safer. He is only making the government more corrupt, taking away freedoms and blowing billions on a war that was not justified by his lies.
The time has come my intelligent friends. The time when we stand up and say, "This is a load of bull-hooey. Stop lying to us, stop silencing the questioners and just admit that you lied." That's all I want; an admission and a resignation. Nixon was impeached for what amounted to breaking and entering, but Bush can flat out lie (repeatedly) to the American people and it's cool?
And doesn't anyone wonder why the news outlets aren't screaming about this memo?
So. Go read the memo, write some letters, do some sceaming and pitch a hissy. Remember, this is the United States of America, you have the right to cry bullshit. You are the only defense against corruption and tyranny. It sucks and it's a tough job, but if we don't do it, who will?
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